GPX data of Auckland Harbour Bridge required
The Map Guy
Posted: 19 November 2012, 2:42 AM
I am drawing the Bike Course profile for the impending Ironman 70.3 Event. I am missing the section over the Auckland Harbour Bridge (ideally from the Shelly Beach Rd-Sarfield Rd junction to the Onewa Rd turnoff). If anyone is going over the bridge with a GPS turned on I would be grateful if you could email the GPX file to me. I require a file that contains altitude data recorded at about 20m intervals embedded in it.
I can generate the rest of the course profile from DEM data but when it comes to the bridge the data defaults to sea level. Cyclists see the bridge a a big hill, not a flat surface.
Please email to jim.lewis AT
Posted: 19 November 2012, 11:39 AM
According to Wikipedia: It has a length of 1,020 m (3,348 ft), with a main span of 243.8 m, rising 43.27 m above high water. If you have the heights at each end surely it's just a bit of extrapolation to plot the heights. :-)
The Map Guy
Posted: 19 November 2012, 12:49 PM
Thanks Alistair - I had already sourced that information, but I required more data to draw the profile. One has a reputation to uphold, and I know the athletes will analyse the profile with a fine tooth comb - much like orienteers after their events. Ironman do it before and after the Event, so it has to be right.
Many thanks to Martin and Allan who have provided me with all of the data I require.