What keeps bringing you back to orienteering?
Posted: 8 November 2012, 11:57 AM
So after that first event, what was it that made you come back and what keeps you coming back now?
Posted: 8 November 2012, 12:01 PM
The chicks
Posted: 8 November 2012, 4:41 PM
Paul I
Posted: 9 November 2012, 6:04 AM
my car
Paul I
Posted: 9 November 2012, 6:16 AM
To stop getting soft. The tough challenge and hard work of coming back from bad injuries, and the joy it brings when you finally get there.
Sharing with awesome like minded people a great off road based running sport. Incidentally back in the day before Trail running was invented we (and other orienteers) used to do crazy things like run the routeburn for fun, getting many strange looks. Now everyone wants to do it. Lookout when the masses see orienteering for what it really is!
Posted: 9 November 2012, 8:06 AM
'Not till we are lost... do we begin to understand ourselves.' - Henry David Thoreau
-- As a poor map is a shabby collection of dangerous lies, so a good one is a thing of beauty and rugged integrity (Earl P. Hanson)
-- It is a very humbling experience to make a half hour mistake, but it is also very memorable.
-- I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks. (Daniel Boone)
-- As you get better at Orienteering it enables you to make a higher class of mistake.
-- The perfect Orienteer has the speed of a hare and the cunning of a tortoise.
-- To do well an Orienteer must train the body, the mind and the soul. Having
a great mind or a great soul helps, but having a great body helps most of all. (Murphy)
-- Whose woods these are I think I know...
These woods are lovely, dark and deep...
(Robert Frost - Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)
-- Working on mysteries without any clue...
(Bob Seger)
-- Leave the beaten track occasionally, and dive into the woods. You will be certain to find something that you have never seen before.
(Alexander Graham Bell)
-- You can't find yourself until you are lost.
-- Trying to cross an "uncrossable" swamp brings to mind the old Dirty Harry line: "do you feel lucky today?"
(Andy Hill)
I love maps.
Posted: 10 November 2012, 5:27 AM
The amazing locations Orienteering can take you. From the gold digging areas of Australia and Naseby to the Swiss Alps and the lakes of Finland The world wide links with orienteers who will take you to their favourite maps and give you free accommodation. The peace in the forest just before you realise that you are lost and the continual hope that the next course will be the perfect race - Still striving for that one!
Jane H
Posted: 10 November 2012, 6:13 AM
I think it is because I'm a sucker for wanting to help my family achieve their goals and I might as well be in for the ride. It'll keep us broke but the journey may take us where Raewyn has got to.
I certainly enjoy sharing Sundays with like-minded people who are really, really good role models for our kids.
If I didn't go to events I'd be home on my own so might as well go along and get an hour to myself on some lovely property - I'm the one that tells the others in the car going home what they missed seeing while so busy running ... deer, ducklings, tuis and/or lots of coloured mushrooms.
Posted: 15 November 2012, 4:16 AM
"Every race is an adventure;
"Every race is a new puzzle to solve;
"Nature being in it, but more than just that& the sense of connection because you are immersed in visualizing the landscape, waterways, vegetation, as well as running through them;
"New places places youd never go otherwise.
"The completeness of the challenge is addictive; physical & mental (AR has a similar quality);
"Those beautiful moments when I experience flow;
"The surge of satisfaction at spiking a control;
"Freedom to choose your own path;
"The psychological challenge of being lost even a minor error requires resilience;
"Its physically tough and you need to be very very fit. Building terrain strength is a quite specific athletic challenge;
"You just feel hardcore & awesome when youre charging through the forest, running, crashing, climbing, jumping;
"Competing with seriously strong, fast, smart & skillful athletes. And before I ran elites, competing against stronger navigators, even if they werent as fast as me.
"The people; generally a smart & adventurous bunch which makes conversation appealing. Generally;
"The lack of pretension.
"Its a level playing field. You cant buy a competitive advantage (eg: the most expensive boat or bike).
"The journeys;
"The maps;
"The splits and routegadget etc& that stuff is cool
"The allure of running the perfect race
"I want my kids to experience all of this
Posted: 15 November 2012, 4:28 AM
Nice Nick. Well summed up.
Posted: 15 November 2012, 10:32 AM
Worst. Haiku. Ever.
Posted: 15 November 2012, 12:11 PM
Would last night's loop race (6-8-6 controls) qualify as haiko, or does it have to be strictly 5-7-5?
Posted: 18 November 2012, 12:57 PM
Yep Nicks got it.
Posted: 19 December 2014, 8:11 AM
Plenty of events to choose from. But it seems from a popular source that CMOC, OW, OBOP, HBOC, WaiOC, WOC, MOC and DOC are no longer running events. Gonna be a lean year..