Riverhead Rogaine
Posted: 14 September 2012, 8:23 AM
Time to enter the Lactic Turkey Riverhead Rogaine - either 1.5 hrs or 4 hours on the 22nd September starting at 10am.
A great fun teams event with easy navigation, maps provided and a meal at the end!
See you there. Orienteering club members can get a $10 discount using the promo code O-er
Posted: 27 September 2012, 6:21 AM
Looks like a goodie: results are at www.lacticturkey.co.nz/Rogaines.htm
Always enjoy the LT newsletters too and this made me take notice: The Great Green Meadowbank Challenge on 10 Nov, organised by Year 5 students. "For this event there is something different too which the kids have developed as well as a regular rogaine course where you get given a hardcopy of the clues and record a code, you can also do the QR Code version where you scan the checkpoint (using your smart phone/device)."
Would like to know more about this. (QR codes are kinda like bar codes.)