Posted: 6 August 2012, 3:05 AM
See Matt Ogdens world champs race report here
Posted: 6 August 2012, 11:51 AM
Quality read and excellent analysis. Thanks for that.
Posted: 6 August 2012, 8:23 PM
That was a superb analysis, Matt, and nice to see the credit's list.
The biggest learning to come out of this is the constantly good direction on every control, which makes the stepping stones and attack points to controls all straight forward.
Posted: 8 August 2012, 10:46 AM
Good Job Matt. I hope lots of Juniors read this.
Posted: 12 August 2012, 1:24 PM
Well done Matt and thanks for recording your run so well. In addition to the technical precision noted by Rob another great thing is how well you kept your focus on your orienteering when you caught the Swede and then through and after the spectator section when it would have been easy to be distracted. It looks like mental discipline was also a key contributor to your result.