Oceania MTBO
Posted: 13 October 2011, 12:35 PM
30 kiwi riders have been training near Albury on the NSW/Vic border for the Oceania MTBO Champs, due to start tomorrow. There will be a middle distance at Yackandandah (same goldmining area as the Oceania middle foot-o) a sprint thru the historic town of Beechworth and a long at nearby Stanley. There is also a non-champ relay in a vineyard. Marquita Gelderman should still be competitive in W21 but Australia will dominate mens elite. NZ is usually quite strong in the vet classes. More on www.oceaniamtbo.com
Posted: 15 October 2011, 3:54 PM
Good results from the middle in superbly technical terrain, same as used for the foot-o middle two weeks ago. And from today's sprint around the motor camp, streets and parks of Beechworth. Marquita Gelderman won both as expected, with Greg Barbour and Brent Edwards also scoring placings in M elite. Pete Swanson (M40) was the other kiwi to win both races but NZ has dominated M60 though the lead was shared round. Roz Clayton and Jacqui Sinclair won W50 and possibly some others. Non-champ relay in a vineyard today. Long tomorrow.
Posted: 17 October 2011, 9:12 AM
And more from the long held around a picturesque orchard area at Stanley. Marquita and Pete made it 3 wins from 3. Christine Brown was 3rd W elite. The kiwi W50's took the top 5 places led by Josie Boland. And after some random punching Rob Garden got a result on the board by winning M60.
Could be some errors and omissions. Two thirds of the team stay on for another week culminating in the NSW MTBO Champs, the others returned today. Lots of interest from the Aussies in the Otago MTBO Carnival.
Posted: 18 October 2011, 2:39 AM
Corrections: It was Jacqui who won W50 in the long, closely followed by Roz, Josie, Alison McDonald and Viv Prince. You might say a wallabing. Somewhat akin to M60 in the middle: Pat Bodger, Michael Wood, Joe Sherriff and Nick Collins heading a field of 20; and Michael-Joe-Pat in the sprint.
Posted: 18 October 2011, 8:55 AM
Reults and Routegadget are up
Posted: 18 October 2011, 8:56 AM
Jumped the gun RG not up yet
Posted: 20 October 2011, 1:54 PM
There now. Those with GPS traces are so good, you can see the massive speed variations, roll on the day when we all carry trackers.
Posted: 25 October 2011, 4:04 AM
By staying on for another week, the kiwi MTBOers had the chance to get 5 scores in the national MTBO series, and the Aussies have been good enough to show us in the results. Marquita would have won W21, Brent Edwards 2nd M21, others in top 3 Jacqui Sinclair, Roz Clayton, Yett Gelderman and Joe Sherriff. For details follow the link from the news item on www.orienteering.asn.au