World Ranking
Posted: 20 August 2011, 11:58 AM
Lizzie now ranked 29. Chris and Ross after being artificially low due to losing last year's WOC points (it was a whisker over a year ago) have bounced back into the top 100. Chris=66, Ross=96.
Adrian Zissos of Canada has reported on Attackpoint that they've got the IOF to look further back when "calibrating" the results of a WRE. But the world ranking itself is still the best 4 in the last 12 months. Having only 2 or 3 scores makes a big dent in your ranking. Perhaps NZOF should talk to Oz, Can and US who all have this problem with difficulty of attending lots of WREs.
MTBO is worse, it counts 5 in the last 12 months. I'm talking to the Oz convenor about it.
In Ski-O your ranking seems to be the AVERAGE of your best 4 scores. Is there a reason why that should not be used in the other discplines?
Posted: 24 August 2011, 7:40 AM
I sometimes wonder if the simplest "fix" would be to extend the ranking period to 18 months. As well as assisting remote countries like us, this also means top orienteers who have prolonged injury issues or pregnancies retain a meaningful ranking longer, but on the downside, retirees would take 6 months longer to disappear out of the system. Perhaps if a longer ranking period was adopted, points could "degrade" over time - ie the 1000 points you earn today might be worth 900 in 6 months time, 800 in 12 months etc?
IF the IOF was to follow world-of-o's lead and also start publishing seperate ranking lists for the 3 distances that would be the place to use an average score. The problem with average scores though is that in any one race you can get 0 points for well behind the leaders (or being dq'd, or giving up after spending half an hour looking for the first control in the wrong part of the forest), or 0 points for retiring due to injury. Should these influence your average score in the same way?
Posted: 31 August 2011, 8:41 AM
what impact does a WR carry?
eg: funding? free entry/qualification to events? preferential starting positions? anything?
Posted: 31 August 2011, 9:30 AM
I think even 13 months would be better than 12, as most WREs available to antipodean athletes occur pretty much the same time every year. That would allow new scores to register before the old ones expire.
Not world rankings as such, but WRE scores have been used in the past by the selection panel as a comparative measure for overseas-based athletes.
Posted: 8 September 2011, 12:58 PM
@nick: this would become a lot more significant than it is now IF any of those ideas to use the ranking list in place of qualification races at the world champs ever come to anything.