Posted: 1 July 2011, 5:49 AM
Inspired by bizarre world records (longest clothesline of socks FCS!) here's something to do while waiting up for the JWOC coverage. Record for the country with the greatest distance travelled from their capital city to JWOC. We have the participants (thank you Bryan), there must be an authoritative source for distance. Rules: postings to be in chronological order, in the form X participants times Y kilometres, add to accumulated figure equals Z. Point out errors but no recalculating until we have our first answer. I have some figures of about 17,000km from Wellington to Gdansk, we may have some fun getting to smaller places like Wejherowo. I guess we use the return distance of 34,000-odd.
Initially, contributions to an authoritative method for distance that works for small towns? (Next month: WOC. Yes I know Australia will win but can't help feeling that this figure will be useful for us both when making submission about the format of WOC etc.)
Posted: 1 July 2011, 9:02 AM
This website http://www.daftlogic.com/projects-google-maps-distance-calculator.htm was able to find both Wejherowo and Wellington. Return distance 35529km
Posted: 2 July 2011, 3:58 AM
1990 1 kiwi (Jenni Martin) 33733km return to Alvsbyn Sweden.
Total to 1990 33733.
Posted: 4 July 2011, 4:28 AM
Too exciting (and frustrating with coverage but thank you World of O) to update last night. Anyway 1991 two localites given near Berlin one of which is not unique, so simply using "Berlin". Return distance 36315, two kiwis (Tania Robinson, Aidan Boswell) so distance travelled 72630km.
Total to 1991 106,363km
Posted: 4 July 2011, 3:27 PM
1992 Jyväskylän in Finland which is 33870 return. Three kiwis (Tania Robinson, Darren Ashmore and Matt Tuck) makes 101,610km
Total to 1992 therefore 207,973km.
Looks like no-one in 1993 or 1994, one in 1995 but then things take off! Hey Bryan what am I gonna do after 2004?
Posted: 5 July 2011, 1:28 AM
One day I'll get around to updating the NZ JWOC entries over time.
In the meantime you can trowl through the complete results from 2005 to 2008:
http://www.orienteeringresults.com/O/ShowSeries.asp?Series=Junior World Orienteering Champs
I have saved the 2009, 2010 results on my PC (and again I'll get around one day to adding these results) but I can email you them if
the websites are not running anymore.
Posted: 7 July 2011, 2:08 PM
1995 Horsens in Denmark, 36163 return. Richard Bolt the only kiwi.
Total to 1995 therefore 244,136
Should have mentioned under 1992 above, that Tania Robinson placed 5th in the short distance. This is what is called the middle now, her time was 25:25. She also placed 19th in the classic (er, long).
Posted: 8 July 2011, 5:08 PM
1996 Romania, can only find the relay location given, but it seems to be the region Arsanca so that will do. 35245km return. Biggest team so far, 6 boys and one girl, making 246,715km
Total to 1996 490,851km
Star of the team was Richard Bolt, 10th in the short and 12th in the classic, rarely bettered before or since. The others: Mark Hudson, Michal Glowacki, Karl Dravitzki, Brent Edwards, Fraser Mills, Melissa Edwards. First time we had relay teams, they finished 21st and 24th.
Posted: 14 July 2011, 5:32 PM
1997 Leopoldsburg Belgium. 37362km return. Bigger still, 6 boys and 4 girls so 373,620km
Total to 1997 864,471km
Star was Rachel Smith, 19th in the classic, the only individual event. Relays 21st and 22nd, seems that a country was only allowed one relay team of each sex. The rest of the team: Madeleine Barr, Andrea McDiarmid, Rebecca Smith, and the same boys as 1996 except for Richard Bolt, plus Stu Barr.
Chief organiser was Jan Herremans, whose daughter Sofie came to live in Auckland (is she still here?)
Posted: 15 July 2011, 4:36 AM
Has been back in Belgium for some time... and apparently as of quite recently that should read "...Jan Herremans, grandfather of Finn Herremans Gevaert..."
Posted: 18 July 2011, 12:09 PM
Thanks Oneman, great to have an authority on young ladies.
1998 Reims, France. 37787km return. Three boys: Karl, Brent and Fraser as above, Jonine and Michelle Nash.
Total to 1998 1,053,406km.
Karl and Brent an amazing 17th and 21st in the classic, not so high in the short. But the boys were 10th in the relay! Think I recall Karl especially standing out, but they must have all been at the top of their game.
Posted: 21 July 2011, 2:25 PM
1999 Bulgaria - Varna on the Black Sea. 34,633km return. No overlap with the previous year: Matt Backler, Stu Barr, Aaron Prince, Jamie Stewart and Lisa Frith.
Distance travelled that year 173,165km, total to 1999 1,226,571km
Aaron was the top runner with 61st in the classic. Again no-one qualified for the short A final, but NZ would have been noticed as Matt and Stu went 1-2 in the C. Boys 29th in the relay.
Posted: 25 July 2011, 12:07 PM
Nové Mesto na Morave, Czech Republic. 36291km return. Lisa Frith, Penny Kane, Michelle Nash. No boys!
So distance that year 108,873km. Total to 2000, 1,335,444km.
Lisa best in the long (68th), Penny best in the short (15th B final). They were 19th in the relay.
Edit: hmm, initially I pasted the placename in from Google maps but the e's with the hacek marks (little hat) disappeared. (I won't try putting the diacritics above the word hacek cos its got a couple too!) I'll just put ordinary e's back into the placename.
This message was edited by Michael on 25 July 2011, 7:19 PM
Posted: 10 August 2011, 6:08 AM
2001 Miskolc Hungary. 35713km return. Completely new team: Lara Prince, James Bradshaw, Greg Flynn, Andrew McCarthy, David Stewart.
Distance that year 178,565km. Total to 2001, 1,514,009km. And we've reached 10 out of the 20 JWOC's we've taken part in so far. Looks like the total might be 4-5 million km. More than a walk to the shops, the Atlantis space shuttle only travelled 200 million km in a similar period of time.
Lara got the best results, 66th in the classic, 7th B-final in the short. David best boy in the classic, Greg in the short. Boys 29th in the relay. Andrew ran a composite with a couple of yanks and came in ahead!
Posted: 10 August 2011, 7:01 AM
Here I was thinking that perhaps everyone must not have much time on their hands... then along came Michael...
Posted: 11 August 2011, 7:26 AM
Just doing my bit to make up for the late lamented NZO.
2002 Alicante Spain. 39031km return, longest so far. Spain is probably closest to the direct opposite side of the globe. James, Greg, David joined by Bryn Davies and Ross Morrison; Lara joined by Kate Bodger and Claire Paterson.
Distance that year 312,256km. Total to 2002 1,826,265km
Greg 21st in the Short! James 72nd in long, Lara 53rd in both, relays 23rd (girls) and 26th.