Posted: 11 February 2011, 7:02 AM
Because of the Oceania Championships and World Cup races to be held in the lower North Island in January 2013 the following areas are henceforth embargoed:
(1) embargoed to orienteers for any purpose:
The area enclosed by: SH1 from the SH1/Waikanae River Bridge to the Hokio turn off at Levin, Hokio Beach Road to the coast, the coast from the mouth of Hokio Stream to the mouth of the Waikanae River, the Waikanae River.
Exceptions are;
(a) the built up areas of Waikanae, Waikanae Beach, Te Horo Beach, Otaki, Otaki Beach, Waikawa Beach, Levin and Hokio Beach;
(b) at formal orienteering events run by Wellington Orienteering Club.
(2) embargoed for all orienteering activity (e.g. orienteering training, mapping).
The area of Wellington City including existing maps and unmapped areas.
Exceptions are:
(a) at formal orienteering events run by Wellington Orienteering Club;
(b) with the express permission of Malcolm Ingham, Technical Director for Oceania 2013.
(3) embargoed to orienteers for any purpose:
All the area enclosed by: the Tutaekuri River north to Puketitiri Rd, Apley Road west to Waihau Road.
Exceptions are:
a) Omatua Guide Camp, Rissington and Weka Point Scout Camp, Rissington.
b) at formal orienteering events run by Hawkes Bay Orienteering Club;
c) with the express permission of Malcolm Ingham, Technical Director for Oceania 2013.
Posted: 11 February 2011, 8:40 AM
Can I please get some clarification on the Wellington city embargoed areas.
Am I allowed to go for a lunch run in the parks of Wellington?
(eg Mt Victoria, Tinakori Hill, Aro Valley map, Central Park,
Wellington South).
What about other areas as well? I may also run through the Universities, Wellington college, near the hospital and Wellington waterfront.
What constitutes orienteering activity and training? I quite often run through the bush.
As regards to the area I'm mapping for the 25th Winter Classic (to be held in August) - no problems, I have just emailed Malcolm requesting permission to map the area I want to hold the event in.
Posted: 11 February 2011, 3:17 PM
My house is embargoed! 
Posted: 12 February 2011, 1:02 AM
Ask Malcolm for any clarification - but I would think lunch-time runs is not orienteering activity (unless you have a map in your hand, or have teamed up with a mate to see what side of a building is quicker). Ditto bush bashing - after 1994 don't think we'll put it on the menu in 2013 anyway ...
Posted: 12 February 2011, 7:51 AM
Surely it can't be too hard to fire a map of Wellington up with the specific embargoed area.
Posted: 12 February 2011, 10:13 AM
Surely it can't be too hard to fire a map of Wellington up with the specific embargoed area.
Posted: 12 February 2011, 1:25 PM
Surely it can't be too hard to fire a map of Wellington up with the specific embargoed area.
Posted: 12 February 2011, 11:50 PM
No bush? But Rob, that's probably the main reason I won!
Posted: 13 February 2011, 5:32 AM
No forest either. Are these the best areas you can find down there?
Posted: 17 February 2011, 11:22 PM
The Slump with all those fences on it......mmmmmmmm.......we are talking European Orienteerers here?
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 18 February 2011, 12:08 PM
Dont want to make life too easy for them! Good fence crossing technique takes years of practise just like good marsh running technique in Scandinavia!
Considering it has taken about 3 years to (maybe?) get a functioning National Website I dont think a map with the specific areas is actually going to be that easy to produce...But go ahead, please prove me wrong...cause if your an Orienteer, maps are easier to understand than a bunch of letters on a page of place names that mean nothing to someone out side of the Wellington or lower North Island area! Also a map specifically defines the areas so there is no room for "interpretation" i.e. Cheating.
Posted: 21 February 2011, 6:59 AM
Here are unofficial maps of the embargo areas (the official description is included below for reference).
If I've made a mistake please tell me and I'll quickly change them.
Posted: 21 February 2011, 9:56 PM
Bryan - thanks for the maps. Wellington is interesting. Does this mean anyone can do any interval training in the city at all? After all it is all 'orienteering training'. Surely the powers that be can refine the embargoed area for Wellington just a wee bit more than already done?
Posted: 22 February 2011, 5:15 AM
As said earlier, not really a lot of forest in those areas.
Posted: 30 January 2012, 2:23 PM
For those who haven't spotted this exciting link to the 1st World Cup bulletin yet ... http://www.oceania2013.co.nz/oceania2013/Home_files/Bulletin1+2.pdf
Posted: 13 February 2012, 11:21 AM
Following the publication of Bulletin 1+2 for the 2013 World Cup I have been asked if it is possible to specify in more detail the embargoed areas in Wellington city and what is and is not allowed by way of activity.
World Cup Event 2 Sprint Qualification:
(1) Parliament Grounds, Bowen Street Memorial Park/Cemetery and the Wellington Botanic Gardens are public land. Public roads and paths passing through these areas may be used, but any orienteering activity as defined below is forbidden.
(2) The area bounded by Hill Street, Hawkestone Street, Molesworth Street and the Wellington urban motorway is completely embargoed for entry. As this is nearly all private property, including church and school property, this should not present problems to anyone, but see the note below.
World Cup Event 2 Sprint Final and Oceania Sprint Championships:
(3) Mount Victoria is public land. Public roads and paths passing through the area may be used, but any orienteering activity as defined below is forbidden.
(4) Wellington East Girls College, Wellington College and the grounds of Government House are completely embargoed for entry. Again, see the note below.
Definition of forbidden orienteering activity as under (1) and (3) above:
- orienteering;
- testing route choices;
- survey of or use of a map;
- entering forested parts of the defined areas;
- video recording or photography.
Exceptions to (2) and (4) above are for:
- attending church services;
- legitimate school events;
- functions in Government House.
In these circumstances the activities listed above are forbidden.
Malcolm Ingham
National Controller