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NZ topo maps

Show Profile  fraser Posted: 25 January 2011, 4:25 AM  
Worth checking out if you like maps.

"Merging the official LINZ topo maps with the Google Maps interface everyone knows and loves makes this service a breeze to use and an invaluable tool for research or planning that next big adventure. It provides a level of detail simply not available through Google Maps alone. Both the Topo250 and Topo50 map series are made available for New Zealand, Stuart Island and the Chatham Islands"

Show Profile  ACW Posted: 27 January 2011, 2:09 PM  
Fantastic Fraser. Thanks for the link. Will be invaluable. (still looking for Stuart Island though)

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 28 January 2011, 3:29 AM  
Another good source is Provided by the Walking Access Commission to show reserves and public access, these layers can be switched off for just the topo map. Or the aerial photos, which are sewn together in a better way than Google.

Show Profile  fraser Posted: 28 January 2011, 3:45 AM  
Just came across this site which looks quite useful too

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 28 January 2011, 7:58 AM  
Hmm. Interesting rather than useful. Based on the Google platform whose maps aren't up to the NZ topo and whose photos are dodgy. Appears to be the result of a mashup competition, the track data was supplied by DOC for the competition and is probably (a) limited to tracks that DOC support and (b) static.

A better tracks website (at least around Wellington and its got national ambitions) is Still with the same Google limitations, but anyone can add a tracks so its continually being updated. You can even contribute to system development.

If its easy browsing of the NZ topo you're after without paying for a commercial package, I reckon WAMS is in front. Any other contenders?




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