Posted: 16 November 2010, 9:06 AM
Hey everybody,
On-line entry is now available.
Enter before the 21st of November and go into the draw to win your entry back. Help us make the event bigger and better than last year. Check out the Sprint the Bay website at for more info and to enter!
You know you want to.
Posted: 17 November 2010, 7:00 AM
This message was edited by Ellmo1769 on 17 November 2010, 6:50 PM
Posted: 20 November 2010, 2:49 AM
Early bird entries close tomorrow, 27 entries so far so you're more likely to win your entry fee back than lotto tonight!
Posted: 20 November 2010, 4:37 AM
Duncan! Stop telling everyone! You're ruining my odds! ;-)
Posted: 20 November 2010, 11:11 PM
Last day for early bird entries! Enter and be in to win your entry fee back! Mapping is well under way and lookin good!
PS. Sorry Nick
Posted: 22 November 2010, 3:24 AM
Looks like you are spending more time on this than on your bloody study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 4 December 2010, 2:33 AM
Early-bird Entry winner for 2011 is Tim Robertson, well done Tim good skills.
Posted: 24 December 2010, 4:25 AM
Hey Everyone,
Less than one month to STB 2011. Entries Close on the 17th Jan so remember to enter soon!!
Elite Mens's field is starting to look pretty meaty with Swedish Rassmus Anderson, and most probablies from Julian Dent from Australia and sprint super star Øystein Kvaal Østerbø from Norway.
We hope everyone has a great Xmas and New Year!
Lots of love from the STB crew
Posted: 26 December 2010, 4:16 AM
I would like to say to anyone who doesn't see themselves as a "sprinter", that you can just go at your usual speed and then this will become a series of middle-distance events for you, interspresed with sunbathing, wine-tasting, coffee-drinking, whatever your vices are, in the nice warm Hawkes Bay sunshine.
At the same time you can see some top runners going VERY fast. In other words, sprints are for everyone!
PS When the middle first came in, we always ran two in one day. Dunno why (until STB came along) we don't do this for the so-called sprint.
Posted: 8 January 2011, 5:21 AM
Hello All and a Happy New Year to you from everyone at Sprint the Bay.
Heres a few points to keep you up to date.
Just a reminder that entries do close on the 17th of January so get your entry in here
Stage Change: Stage 2 (Maison De Sante) is now Stage 3 and Te Aute College is now Stage 2
Also email us at if you want to come to Stage 4.5, the social function. For more info about this see the website.
Posted: 12 January 2011, 2:39 PM
5 Days until entries close, so get cracking!
Entries over 130 already, looks like it will be a great atmosphere again this year!
PS. Karl Dravitski has entered to make his big comeback :D
Posted: 13 January 2011, 2:56 PM
Safety bearing: just pop into the Clive police station. Works up to 300km off course.
Posted: 15 January 2011, 2:58 PM
Hey all,
Sprint the Bay 2011 entries close on monday at midnight, be sure to get your entries in by then.
Go to to enter and for more info.
Also those who have entered book your place at stage 4.5, the social function. Email us with numbers to
Posted: 17 January 2011, 3:52 AM
Hey guys
last day for entries is today so get those last minute ones in. Its gonna be a great weekend with tonnes of prizes, fun maps and awesome competition.
To check out more about the event or to enter go to
See you there!
Posted: 18 January 2011, 3:15 PM
Hey everyone,
If you entered for sprint the bay and didn't receive a confirmation email, please contact us straight away at
Posted: 19 January 2011, 10:52 AM
Hey guys
Start lists are up for first stage as well as the event programme.
Go to to see these