Posted: 11 January 2009, 5:38 AM
Event 7 Results???
Posted: 11 January 2009, 7:56 AM
hey val, i'm craving results too (plus photos and a look at the maps..)- they have been getting put up on winsplits in the late afternoon.
yesterdays NZ won senior boys, senior girls, junior girls, AUS won junior boys.
Posted: 11 January 2009, 10:19 AM
Thanks martin...this is such a contrast to the last big O event...TONIC. That was such a good web page and so informative. Thanks for the info il go have a look.
Posted: 11 January 2009, 10:58 AM
Me too, the oceania has entries from far awayI guess their folks would like to know too.? I have to say this is a first time at home all alone for a long time.. I do miss the details.. would like to see the results and a few photos, just the ones in the photo competition, would be enough for starters! I guess there is some driving to do for most..will look back late in the evening.
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 11 January 2009, 2:40 PM
The carnival hasn't been in the middle of Europe or Auckland you know.... all but three events have been pretty much in the middle of nowhere, far from both reliable cellphone and internet coverage. Factor in the relative distances involved in travel and the fact that starts have seen people out in the forest etc until about 4pm each day....I think they results have been put up on winsplits pretty efficiently, much more than some recent events in New Zealand where you have to wait two days maybe a week to have the results on Winsplits. Any faster results would require an satellite internet and and online system, the likes of which have never been seen in New Zealand to date.
I do agree that the website isnt the greatest out there but all the info has been reported on Maptalk news asap after the events and results up on winsplits. Maybe you just need to look in the right place for info!
Tane Cambridge
Posted: 11 January 2009, 2:42 PM
Satellite internet connection and an automated online results system....I meant
Posted: 11 January 2009, 3:01 PM
Good on ya Tane, i think the results have gone up pretty damn fast actually, well done to everyone involved.
Posted: 11 January 2009, 3:43 PM
I think that today's school result was: both seniors to NZ, both juniors to Oz. This gives the overall result to NZ. The organisers did an excellent job which included planning all courses for days 7 and 8 on a separate venue an hour away, since the forest could not be used if the fire risk was above a certain level. This was in doubt throughout day 6, until rain began falling late in the day.
Those who are impatient should know that when you enter Naseby there's a sign which says "2000 ft above worry level" and your cellphone immediately cuts out...
Posted: 12 January 2009, 12:11 AM
Day 8 was yesterday?? There is nothing under 'results' on the web page!
Posted: 12 January 2009, 2:46 AM
Val, your kids are probably back in cellphone range now. Why not give them a call, they can fill you in on all of the results!
Posted: 12 January 2009, 3:02 AM
settle petal!
Posted: 12 January 2009, 4:21 AM
I did say to a gaggle of Morrison kids to text their Mum as she was getting upset on maptalk and was told by one to just ignore her!
Hopefully they've filled you in now. I know the results went off on a stick with the computer gear bound for Christchurch late yesterday afternoon. They'll be heading to the internet somtime soon.
Posted: 12 January 2009, 11:14 AM
Hey guys im having trouble exporting the two relay events, if any one would like copies of the events to try and export them for me my email is: or
text me with your email address: 0274 526 941
(this is mostly for martin but anyone else who thinks they have the know how give me a bell)
anyway here's the link for everyone else
Courses 3-10 (everyone else)
Posted: 12 January 2009, 3:56 PM
Relay results are on winsplits and have been sent to be uploaded onto the oceania website
the one-man relay from naseby will take some time to work out.
Posted: 13 January 2009, 11:15 AM
Actually Ms Adams i had our local paper ringing here wanting to know if i had any results from the schools events.....and i had to say No because there was no cellphone coverage. Ok? Thanks anyway.