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Show Profile  Paul I Posted: 8 November 2008, 7:22 AM
We've finally got Beautiful Hills on Route Gadget.
Why not have a go at adding your route and compare with your friends and competitors

Show Profile  onemanfanclub Posted: 9 November 2008, 2:04 PM  
Ah well, fair enough Paul, you can have a good laugh at MY expense now - not my best day in a forest ever!

Show Profile  Paul I Posted: 10 November 2008, 3:07 AM  
not bad N, (and I'm not laughing after my weekend wakeup calls either)but i wouldn't think you would take out blooper of the day, and that's just from the brave few who have revealed their troubles so far. There have been a surprising variety of routes (intended) already. Is there anyone out there who had a clean run? Please!

Show Profile  Michael Posted: 10 November 2008, 1:12 PM  
Stepping back a little, I've got some questions for the orienteering community.

I'm interested in the idea of productivity, as a way of overcoming our acknowledged achilles heel - lots of work. We're looking to reduce work - but alternatively we'd be very happy if twice the number of people came to one of our events - right? What about increasing the hours of of pleasure from a given event?

Seems to me that RouteGadget has the potential to do the latter. Just as rugby afficionados go home and read the papers, play the video, argue what "they shoulda" done over the office water cooler, etc etc. I go home and put my route in, and wait with baited breath for other routes to go in, and play runners against each other. In this way I extend the value of the event WAY WAY beyond the x minutes that I was actually out on the course.

This repays the hard work of the course planners and others who put the event on. Without (I would have thought) much extra work. Martin used to be able to install events very quickly. Now there are a couple of things I'm wondering about.

1. Very few people put their routes in. For Day 1 of TONIC the first race has been there for a couple of weeks now, but only 16 people have put their routes in. Is it too hard do you think? Perhaps they don't know about it? Do others not get the same value out of this that I do?

2. Is it in fact easy to put the maps and results into RouteGadget? We haven't yet got all the races from Labour Weekend available yet. If it takes a lot of work then my theory about productivity goes out of the window.

Show Profile  nick Posted: 11 November 2008, 8:29 AM  
i love routegadget - always keen to revisit events, even ones i didn't race in.

i wonder if its possible to load the map on in time for people to draw their routes on directly after the event - to play at prize-giving for example




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