Posted: 21 August 2008, 2:07 PM
Please pass following info on to the person in your club who looks after SportIdent gear (for those clubs with such).
SportIdent advises that all BSF8 control stations should be at firmware level 559. There was a software mistake in some former firmware levels leading to higher power consumption and battery depletion - with battery life being about one year rather than the advertised 3 to 5 years (in our club's experience).
This is a serious issue for us since currently BSF8 controls have to be returned to Germany for battery replacement (at about $30 a control, including postage) - as these newer units are sealed and batteries soldered in place.
Likewise BSF8 controls should be stored in alternating arrangement to inhibit inductive coupling between units (and battery depletion) while in storage.
It is hoped that SportIdent will provide instructions, sealing rings and authorisation for battery replacement outside of Germany in future, though they say that is likely to be 'sometime in future'
Posted: 4 September 2008, 7:31 AM
Update today from SportIdent.... they have identified an additional failing in the latest firmware (559) level which affects battery consumption in controls. It depends on precise combinations of control settings and which finger stick model last used the controls (the later models are the issue). In some combinations the control will not later switch from active mode to stand-by mode. Their temporary work-around is to ensure last use of controls using a SI-5 or SI-6 finger stick - until the next firmware upgrade is available.
The good news is that they are actively pursuing battery usage issues.
Posted: 4 September 2008, 9:45 AM
They should really allow everyone to have a free battery for their current SI boxes.
Posted: 4 September 2008, 10:33 AM
we've had a 20% battery failure rate over the last 2 years (compared to NW with only 1 failing) and this is after upgrading the firmware in early last year. Been talking to SportIdent and looking at how to resolve this...
Posted: 5 September 2008, 1:26 PM
As addison says, they should indeed have a better way to replace batteries for those units which have failed in a short period. But the problem with the BSF8 units is that the units are sealed. Taking them apart is one thing, but getting them sealed properly afterwards is not do-able without correct new seals. So SportIdent replace batteries and replace seals for BSF8s only in factory (at a price, plus the postage in both directions). This may be fine for Europe, but not satisfactory for much of the rest of the world. They are intending to provide instructions & seals for some approved agents in some places in the world..... but not yet.....
At least they are taking the issue seriously now, so it would be good if the NZ clubs could better coordinate their approach.
So far only addison & Wellington have responded to a request (to clubs with SI equipment) to provide other clubs (& hence NZOF) with information on current SI hardware assets & issues..... This would be helpful for several purposes.
This sort of thing is coordinated in Australia by a subcommittee of their Technical Committee. Incidently no club/association in Australia has yet reported battery problems - but the majority of their controls until now have been BSF7 which are not prone to coupling between units in storage.
Posted: 20 February 2009, 3:45 AM
There's now an agent in North America (Eric Teutsch) who is set up to do repairs on SI stations. Presumably including battery replacement and resealing. Any progress on a NZ servicing agent?
Posted: 12 June 2009, 5:42 AM
Dydo Manufacturing in Lower Hutt (Tony and Jason van Dyk) have done some battery replacement and are looking at getting accredited by SI. If anyone else is going down this path it would be in both your interests to talk to each other. tvandyk at i4free dot co etc Business phone 04 567 2688
Posted: 21 June 2009, 5:50 AM
great news to have local service, rather than sending to Germany!
Tony van Dyk
Posted: 21 June 2009, 5:59 AM
Tony van Dyk
Posted: 21 June 2009, 6:00 AM
We are able to Replace the Batteries in your SI Control Boxes.
All Control Box Seals are replaced, resealed, and checked. Updates to details and firm ware can be added.
When Posting to us use Dydo Mfg Ltd P.O.Box 30349 Lower Hutt.
By Courier Dydo Mfg Ltd 142 Eastern Hutt Road Taita Lower Hutt.
We are also the manufactures of the Aluminium Brackets to hold your Control Box on the Stand along side the Clipper.
Our phone number is 04-5672688 and 04-5673836 Fax with for our email address. Speak to either Jason or myself.
Tony van Dyk
Posted: 21 June 2009, 10:41 AM
Any chance Tony of releasing a bit of a pricing schedule?