Posted: 25 February 2008, 4:35 AM
And I mean trashed. Piret Klade took nearly and hour and three-quarters off the womens solo record for the short overnight course at the weekend. In fact, she was only half an hour behind Ross and Bryn, who won the mens pairs with the overnight gear spread between them.
But wait, there's more. Ross and Bryn also ran a record time, clipping just under 2min from Stu Barr and Karl Dravitzki's time which had stood for 6 years.
Other people known by this forum: Rhys Burns (Rachel's pardner) 1st long 1-day course: Hamish Goodwin 1st vet man ditto; Pete Swanson and Mark Lawson 1st long overnight course; Rachel Smith 1st woman short 1-day course; Kate Morrison and Rachel Goodwin 1st women's team short overnight course. Might be some more, the overall results for 2-day courses don't show day 2, tho the split times are there. SI was used. www.kawekachallenge.org.nz
mick finn
Posted: 25 February 2008, 5:58 AM
Awesome. I think I'll give up competing. No, already did 20 years ago. No point taking the sexchange option either.
Greg T
Posted: 26 February 2008, 12:48 AM
You were right - there were more. I'm pretty sure Hazel Bidmead And Mary McBride broke the Womens Course 2 record with a time of 7:36:07. They both regularly turn up on the Welly Rogaine scene. Don't know what the conditions were like but interesting to note that the time was quicker than Hazel and her old man Ross's time for the same course in the previous year...
Posted: 26 February 2008, 4:58 AM
Ah yes I dimly remember when Antonia was the same speed as her father and we did a course together. Next year she was well in front. Another notable that went unremarked at the event was Neil Higgins' 18th (out of 19) Kawekas. Higgie I'm on your tail, and I'll challenge you to add up the total number of recorded Kaweka hours!
Old Timer
Posted: 26 February 2008, 7:31 AM
But was does the reference to "canceled" all over the results mean Michael? Were there some course adjustments or something?
For sure the Kaweka still seems to be dominated by the orienteers, From the Teahan twins in the very early days, just about every top orienteer has placed well at Kaweka. (Colin Rolfe and Neil Jones were two notable non-orienteer exceptional performers.)
But I am sure that bloody Kuripapango hill never gets any easier!
Posted: 26 February 2008, 12:41 PM
I can guess that this results from the fixup of the overall result table for the 2-day courses, to show the two days and total. The "cancelled S2" on the 1-day courses was perhaps necessary to tell the software there was no second day here.
I dunno about dominated, I don't think I see as many orienteers there as I used to. Few would know it grew out of the Ruahine Mountain Marathon. And in that vein, great to see the comeback of the MM.
Posted: 27 February 2008, 5:47 AM
Yeah go the MM (bias obvious)
I would be keen to do the Kaweka Challenge, if it was a challenge. Ie new terrain every year, some navigation, etc. Or even a long long course.
I met the two guys who got 2nd and 4th in course 1 this year at a mountain hut in Arthurs Pass recently. They had just called for a helicopter to be rescued because they were stuck! (penny and I had just walked in).....
So many events catering for the lowest common denominator...and standards seem to be slipping...bring back the biff.
Posted: 27 February 2008, 7:12 AM
Jamie I'm sure you have your circuits that you measure yourself against from time to time. And the organisers have found a formula that draws people year after year - to a mountain race not a navigation event. Horses for courses.
But as a member of HBOC you might add your voice to calls to run the old long course at next year's 20th. It went past North Kaweka and down Dicks Spur. After Makahu via Black Birch Range to Lotkow Hut, crossed the Donald way south of where we do now and rejoined at Mackintosh Hut. Better part of 60km I think.
Old Timer
Posted: 27 February 2008, 7:58 AM
Yeah that Dick's Spur was a lot of fun - quite narrow in places.
You may recall Michael that one year in atrocious weather they re-routed the old Course 1 through the forest out the back of Lotkow - that seemed to be about 80km or more!!
But a great idea to ressurect the old course, at least once. I would be a starter.
mick finn
Posted: 27 February 2008, 10:07 AM
Be keen myself to try that as a special anniversary one
Posted: 27 February 2008, 1:14 PM
I'd give that a go, good idea I reckon Michael
pete s
Posted: 27 February 2008, 2:12 PM
Yep, sounds like they are pretty keen to do a Course 0 - would be a 2 day pairs event most likely. Mark and I would def be keen on that - sounds awesome. Personally I think the Kaweka is a brilliant event - probably one of NZ's toughest off road events, and in great surroundings. The locals do a damn good job too to make people feel welcome - even us Jafa's!!!
mick finn
Posted: 28 February 2008, 5:51 AM
Yeah and would be a few keen aussies at that time of year too; what about a super earlybird entry to get us all to commit and get an idea of numbers?
This message was edited by mick finn on 28 February 2008, 1:02 PM
Andrew M
Posted: 28 February 2008, 9:04 AM
I think the Kaweka is an event with a nice niche market it it does really well catering to it. It dont think it is catering to the lowest common dominator Jamie... Perhaps it has offered too many permutations at some times, which diluted the competition a little.
With the growth a some of the one day races such as the Goat and the Kauri Run it still offers something a little bit different, if you want a race you want a good set course and reliable signage. If you want to navigate as well there is a huge market of adventure races and roganies available.
I remember having a great duel with Daz, Stu, Phil and Neil on the one day course and dragging the fridge for the last 5km.