Photos from Labour Weekind
Posted: 22 October 2007, 10:11 PM
Hey those people who were out there with a camera at Labour Weekend it would be sweet if you could upload some photos to Maptalk photos.
Its real helpful for Mick editor of the O Mag and others who do some media stuff for NZ Orienteering.
Posted: 23 October 2007, 3:59 AM
I have onver 100pics from the first three events, but very slow internet at home and i cannot upload from work so if anyone wants i can burn them to a CD and send them somewhere?
mick finn
Posted: 23 October 2007, 4:45 AM
Hi Amber, unfortunately I couldn't get to the events to grab some pics and such, but I can upload them to maptalk and use for the magazine with thanks - can you send me the cd to:
Mick Finn
47a Wellington Road
Paekakariki, 6010 Kapiti Coast
Posted: 23 October 2007, 5:29 AM
Cool,will do in the next few days, im not a pro photographer, just warning you.