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Eligibility for secondary schools events

Show Profile  DaveGlover Posted: 26 June 2000, 5:45 AM  
This year the National Secondary School co-ordinator (Geoff Morrison) has strictly enforced the rule that only years 9-13 (forms 3-7) can compete at the National Secondary School champs. This means that years 7 and 8 (forms 1 and 2) are not eligible to compete, even if they attend secondary school. Schools that are full secondary (such as Area Full Secondaries (AFS) and some private and integrated schools) are not able to enter the full teams they have been coaching and entering for the local competitions. This will not have a huge impact on numbers at the event, there are about 8 year 7 and 8 orienteers in the Wellington region, representing 3 or 4 schools, but it does affect the teams for some schools quite dramatically.
What are others views on this? Should all secondary school students be allowed to enter, or in the interests of fairness to intermediate and primary school forms 1 and 2, should all forms 1 and 2 be barred from entry?

Show Profile  fraser Posted: 26 June 2000, 3:11 PM  
Sounds a bit rough for year 7-8 at AFS schools. I think we should be encouraging as many as possible to attend, especially as there is no other national event for this age.

Show Profile  DaveGlover Posted: 26 June 2000, 3:41 PM  
It has been suggested from various people that the Secondary School comps become just school comps, open to all form 1- form 7 students regardless of whether they are secondary, intermediate or primary.

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